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A. The Eschatological (End Times) context

We may not agree over all the details of biblical eschatology (End Times teaching) and some may not feel ready to deal with it. But my plea is that we will all agree to major on prayer and preparation for Revival against the backdrop of the sure and certain return of the Lord Jesus.

When the Lord called us to major on prayer and preparation for Revival and to take initiatives to encourage this he underlined to us “to make ready a people prepared for the Lord” (Luke 1:17). Originally this was God’s call to John the Baptist to prepare people for the first coming of Christ. We are applying it to preparing people for the second coming of Christ.

Many Christians (including Christian leaders) neglect eschatology (teaching on the End Times), either because they don’t feel competent to deal with it or because they are embarrassed by unbalanced extremists. We want to encourage a sensible approach. After all, Jesus told us to “be alert,” “be on guard,” “keep watch” and pray for his Return. We none of us know the timing of Jesus’ return but we are meant to live, work and minister in the light of it.

Some Christians believe it is not right to expect Revival in the End Times. I have concluded the Bible teaches it is right and have addressed this in my paper “Will there be an End Time revival?” which is on this website.

I have completed an extensive website section with teaching on the eschatological subjects listed below. See for both a Full (more detailed) Version and a Summary Version.

Subjects covered include: The signs of the End; Will there be a sudden, secret “Rapture” of believers to heaven?; The ‘Great Tribulation’ and the Antichrist; Secular eschatology – What secular scholars are predicting about the future of the world; The Battle of Armageddon & Cosmic signs; Old Testament Eschatology; The return of Christ; Will there be a literal Millennium?; End times judgment; Approaching death; Resurrection; The destruction of world; The truth about Hell; The hope of Heaven; Appendix: Understanding the Book of Revelation; Appendix: The Place of Islam in the End Times.

Next section: Being God-centred
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